Mayor's Committee Blog
SCV Mayor’s Committee: Year in Review
As the Mayor’s Committee prepares to enter a new year, it becomes important to review the work of the past year with the questions in mind of ‘how did we do’...
A Time To Be Thankful
During this month our thoughts turn to winter and harvest, and giving thanks. We also reflect on whether our work has brought about a harvest that benefits...
MC Disability Employment Awareness Breakfast
On October 9th, the Santa Clarita Valley Mayor’s Committee for Employment of Individuals with Disabilities held their annual breakfast in recognition of...
Facing the Barriers: The SSI Rules
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has led many people to believe that the barriers to employment of individuals with disabilities are gone, but...
Mayor’s Committee Offers a Story of Success
The Mayor’s Committee for Employment of Individuals With Disabilities is made up of individuals who are business leaders, city employees, teachers, advisors,...
Mayor’s Committee Addresses Minimum Wage Increases
The SCV Mayor’s Committee is observing the effect of minimum wage increases on the employment of people with disabilities. While not enough time has passed...
Questions? Comments?
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Feel free to contact us at anytime with questions, comments, or insights.
Santa Clarita Valley Mayor’s Committee
Email: or fill out the form below
Phone: 661‐259‐0033 ext. 500
Mail: P.O. Box 803325, Santa Clarita, CA 91380
We help educate employers on the benefit of hiring the disabled, empower the disabled to look for employment and employ those persons with disabilities that seek to join or rejoin the workforce.
P.O. Box 803325
Santa Clarita, CA 91380